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Main » 2009 » November » 9 » Google Keyword Finder & Keyword Management
12:51 PM
Google Keyword Finder & Keyword Management

After a user searches on a set of keywords on Google they are presented with a page of search results composed of sponsored listings and in the main section of the page, the organic listings.Organic search engine optimization (SEO) is about increasing the number of visitors that your site gets from a search engine. This is achieved by getting more documents indexed on the search engine and by attaining a higher position in the organic results. The problem for many marketers and traditional advertising agencies lies in the technical nature of search engines and the difficulty in understanding the underlying algorithms that produce the rankings for particular keyword searches.

The most popular search engine is Google which accounts for the greatest number of search requests. This is not to say that other search engines are not important or that they use the same algorithm but that Google's success has ensured that many search engines are moving in the same direction and since Google has filed their search patent we do not have to rely on the typical conjecture in this field. Importantly, Google ensures that there is a level of feedback from users through the Google toolbar that enables Google to refine their search results over time. Also, a significant part of Google's algorithm is to protect its search engine against search SPAM which is the use of techniques to improve a site's rankings normally through the artificial creation of links, so we have outlined the main areas to watch out for.

Your BidSmart® Listing will be displayed in the Search Results each time a User searches for a search term that matches one of the Keywords you have bid on. The most important factor to consider when selecting Keywords is relevancy; this will improve the effectiveness of your BidSmart® search marketing campaign.

HINT: it is good to consider this: "Does my Website provide a desired result for the person searching on that Keyword?" If the answer is 'no' then that person is unlikely to click on your listing. If the answer is 'yes' then that visitor is more likely to convert into a customer. Selecting Keywords that give Users a good result will improve the effectiveness of your BidSmart® search marketing campaign.

Adding a Keyword to a Listing

To add a one of more Keywords to a Listing, go to the Listing Summary page for that Listing. Click on the "Manage Keywords and Bids" link to open the Manage Keywords and Bids page for that Listing. You may now enter your Keywords directly and click the "Add Keywords" button (or use the Keyword Suggestion Tool to find and add Keywords); enter Bids for your Keywords; adjust the Keyword Match Type if desired; and click "Save Keywords and Bids". The new Keywords are added to your Listing.

Pausing a Keyword

As a Self-Service advertiser, you may wish to Pause one or more of your Active Keywords for various reasons – for example, to handle seasonal promotions for different products and services, or simply to manage your spend more efficiently.

You can Pause your Active Keywords at any time. You can apply this status change to all Keywords on a Listing, or to individual Keywords on a Listing. See Account Navigation: Listing Summary and Manage Keywords and Bids for information on how to apply Keyword status changes at different levels. The Keywords you have actioned will be moved into "Paused" status, and will no longer be displayed in response to searches.

Re-Activating Paused Keywords

You can re-Activate Paused Keywords at any time, in the same way that you changed status to Paused. Your Keywords will be moved back into "Active" status, which means they will once again be displayed in response to Searches.

Deleting a Keyword

Self-Service advertisers may Delete Keywords that they no longer wish to have associated with a Listing. You can Delete your Paused or Active Keywords at any time, in the same way that you changed status to Paused or Active. Important: You should use care when Deleting Keywords, as it is a permanent change - once a Keyword has been Deleted, there is no way to re-instate it. If you Delete a Keyword accidentally, you will need to re-add the Keyword and re-set the Bid.

Keywords that have been Deleted, and have NO Clicks associated with them, will be removed completely and will no longer be visible in the user interface. Keywords that have recorded at least one Click will show up in the user interface with "Removed" status, if the statistics period match the time when the Click/s occurred.

Editing a Keyword Bid or Match Type

You edit the Bid or Match Type of your Keywords at any time. You can apply these changes to all Keywords on a Listing, or to individual Keywords on a Listing. See Account Navigation: Listing Summary and Manage Keywords and Bids for information on how to edit Keyword Bids and Match Types at different levels.

Keyword Guidelines

You must adhere to the Guidelines when selecting Keywords for BidSmart® Listings.

Important: You are responsible for checking that each Keyword you select is relevant to your business, and that you are legally entitled to use that Keyword and the generated Sponsored Listing. If Sensis believes that you may not be legally entitled to any Keyword, the Keyword and resulting Sponsored Listing will be modified or removed.
• You may only choose a Keyword if it is relevant to your Website. Any product or service that is implied by Keywords you select for your Listing must be clearly available on your Website.
• Keywords must relate directly to the content of the landing page as described in your Listing Title and Description.
• Keywords based on the names of competitors or trademarks owned by third parties will not be accepted. For example, Ford would not be permitted to Bid on 'Holden' and thereby direct Users looking for Holden cars to the Ford Website.
• Pornographic, violent, racist, or in any other way offensive phrases may not be used as Keywords. Phrases that relate directly to any content defined as unacceptable by the BidSmart® Guidelines may not be used as Keywords.
• Listings can target international locations as Keywords, but not in Location Targeting. Location Targeting is only for Australian locations.
• If your Listings target international locations, or use foreign language Keywords, the landing pages must be in English.
• Your business must service, or be relevant to, the areas you select as Location Targets.

Keyword Match Type

Choosing a match type for your Keywords gives you total control over the types of searches for which your listing will be displayed.

Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match are different types of positive keyword matching. Negative Match ensures that your listing is NOT displayed when the keyword is part of the User's search phrase.

Match types are defined below.

Broad Match

A User's search term will match a Broad Match type Keyword if it contains all the same words, in any order and in any cases. Additional words not in the Keyword may also be included in the search term.

Example :

Broad Match Keyword = flower pot

Matches search terms (as entered by search user):

  • flower pot
  • pot flower
  • Flower Pot
  • plastic flower pot
  • red pots for flowers
  • flower pot sales

Does not match search terms:

  • flower sales

Exact Match

A search term will match an Exact Match type Keyword if it contains all the same words, in the same order and in any cases with no other words.


Exact Match Keyword = flower pot

Matches search terms (as entered by search user):

  • flower pot
  • Flower Pot

Does not match search terms:

  • plastic flower pot
  • flower
  • red pots for flowers
  • pot flower

Phrase Match

A User's search term will match a Phrase Match type Keyword if it contains all the same words, in the same order and in any cases. Additional words not in the Keyword may also be included in the search term provided they fall before or after the phase, not within.


Phrase Match Keyword = flower pot

Matches search terms (as entered by search user):

  • flower pot
  • Flower Pot
  • plastic flower pot
  • flower pot sales

Does not match search terms:

  • pot flower
  • flower sales
  • red pots for flowers
  • flower big pot

Negative Match

A Negative Match keyword prevents your listing from being shown when that keyword is part of the search term, even if another part of the User's search query matches one of your other keywords. It's an excellent way of stopping your listing from being shown to Users that you know will not be part of your target market, and thus improving your click-through rate.


Negative Match Keyword = red
With Broad Match Keyword = flower pot

Matches search terms (as entered by search user):

  • flower pot

Does not match search terms:

  • red flower pot
  • flower pot red

Case, Common Plurals and Misspellings

Keywords are NOT case-sensitive. All keywords you add to your BidSmart Listing will be converted to lower case, and the BidSmart® system will automatically match searches to your Keywords no matter what the case. For example, if you purchased the Keyword "beauty", BidSmart® will automatically match your Keyword on searches for "Beauty" and "BEAUTY".

You don't need to add Keywords for common plurals or misspellings - the BidSmart® system will automatically match these types of searches to your Keywords. For example, if you purchased the Keyword "accommodation", you would also match on searches using common misspellings including "acomodation", "acommodation", "acommodation" and "accomadation". If you purchased the Keyword "flowers", BidSmart® will automatically match your Keyword on searches for "flowers”.

Keyword Status


BidSmart® regularly performs Editorial Review on Keywords, and may pause your Keywords due to low performance. If your Listing is targeting an irrelevant Keyword, your Listing's Click-Thru-Rate (CTR) will fall beneath the BidSmart® threshold and will be Suspended/Paused. By modifying your Listing, Keyword or Location Matching type you can improve CTR.


During the BidSmart® Editorial Review process some of your Keywords maybe Rejected. This would be a result of Keywords not complying with the Keyword Guidelines. If you believe modifying your Listing or Location Matching will then make your Keyword comply with the Keyword Guidelines, you should perform the modifications, re-add the Keyword and re-set a Smart Bid.


Keywords that have been Deleted, but have recorded at least one click will be changed from Active status to Removed. You can Delete Keyword(s) at any time by selecting that Keyword(s) and then selecting Delete from the Options drop down menu on the Your Keywords page. During the Editorial Review process your Keywords maybe be Deleted:

  • due to low performance.
  • due to a breach of the Editorial Guidelines
  • If Keywords contain Australian Locations covered by Location Matching, (see Location Targeting). For example, instead of targeting hotels melbourne, your Keyword should be hotel and you should then select to target Melbourne within the Location Matching section of Edit Listing.

You will not be able to reactivate a Keyword from this state. You will need to re-add the Keyword and re-set the Smart Bid.

Keyword Suggestion Tool

This handy feature of BidSmart® is designed to help you expand or refine the groups of Keywords you attach to your Listings. You will find the Keyword Suggestion Tool in the Manage Keywords and Bids page of BidSmart®.

The Keyword Suggestion Tool accesses a large database containing records of the actual words and phrases that Users have previously searched on. When you type a word into the Keyword Suggestion Tool, it queries that database for similar words then displays them, along with the number of times that Keyword has been searched on in the last month.

If you think any of the Keywords suggested would be a valuable addition to your BidSmart® search marketing campaign, simply:

  • Tick the check-box on the right of each Keyword you wish to add
  • Choose a Match Type for the Keywords you are adding from the drop-down box at top right (note that this Match Type will apply to all the Keywords you add from the current Keyword Suggestion Tool session)
  • Click the "Add to Listing" button.

The selected Keywords will be added to your Listing.

Important: You are responsible for checking that each Keyword you select is relevant to you or your business, and that you are legally entitled to use that Keyword and the Sponsored Listing generated.

Category: Other | Views: 613 | Added by: coolmind | Rating: 0.0/0
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